Industrial Nursing Services

Extending beyond HOME NURSING AND SWIFT CARE, we have taken a further step to reinforce the healthcare sector of our company. Our services enclose healthcare needs of the employees at industrial establishments. The employees will be benefitted from cutting edge health programs which will cater to their health requirements. Our industrial nurses are carefully screened to ensure that they meet the highest quality standards. Attending from minor ailments of the employees up to organizing medical campaigns for the benefit of the employees, we take priority in taking care of their health. Our services within industrial health sector encompasses organizing immunization campaigns, medical check-ups, maintaining health files of the employees, along with 24-hour ambulance service. Our trained and experienced industrial nursing staff are fully conversant in maintaining Covid 19 guidelines and protocols.

  • First aid treatment during an emergency.
  • Educate employees regarding personal hygiene.
  • Observe and record temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure.
  • Surgical dressing of wounds.
  • Awareness programs on the prevention of infectious diseases.

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